Have Boots, Will Photograph

These are my boots that I've been wearing for my walks since my accident. Due to the weather the mud in the fields and countryside near where I live is deep and oozes everywhere. I didn't see much point in cleaning them only for them to get caked again so they bear the history of my various journeys over the past couple of weeks.
Today was spent going with my brother to try and see if his house keys were still in his car that was written off when he hit black ice a few days back (between us we are not having much luck with cars). The car only got to the repair centre yesterday so it was the first time he had seen the car since the accident. Luckily, although the car looked a mess the keys were located under the front seats, so that was a big relief. We decide to go and have a nice lunch to celebrate, and very enjoyable it was too!
Also did a bit more of my website which I'm enjoying doing as I've got the time to do it at the moment.

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