The story so far...


The challenge

Cam seems to have found a new game, how much can he physically fit in his mouth before he gags. His fists still remain a firm favourite but the anger he displays when he realise both won't fit in at the same time is laughable. Poor Sophie the giraffe still gets a good slobbering and the other day her head had been completely devoured and covered in slime.
Today's latest contender was his dribble bib (which was attached to his neck at the time). Despite this attempt by our four month old to strangle himself and retch at the same time it seemed to keep him quiet for a while (still haven't found the volume control for his rediscovered voice) and at least mummy has a better chance of keeping the bibs in a more hygienic state then other items we have found in his mouth recently. Unfortunately it means her washing pile has doubled in size!

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