Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Had a pretty rough night last night, awake lots, in pain and feeling sick. Went to the chemist at lunch and picked up my prescription. Took a tablet and within  a few hours I was feeling a bit better. So I think I was heading into withdrawal. Ooops. Hopefully taking another dose tonight I should be ok.

This is Grandma's necklace that I asked if I could have. My favourite colour is purple and it is also my birthstone. Mum doesn't know how old it is, but definitely more than a few decades. It still feels weird not having her around and I'll definitely be thinking of her tomorrow.

It's my 40th tomorrow which I'm not really bothered about, but I have taken the rest of the week off. Work gave me flowers, a cake and a gift, and I also got a delivery of Orchids from my Aunt in Portugal. I have 8 vases of flowers in the flat!

Another early night tonight.

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