Endless forms
Roedden ni'n hapus iawn i gael cyfle i fod twristiaid am ddiwrnod neu dau yn Rovaniemi. Aethon ni i Korundi - amgueddfa ac oriel - a mwynheuon ni'r arddangosfeydd o baentiadau a cherfluniau - ffurfiau di-ben. Yn y noson aethon ni allan am bryd o fwyd gyda ffrindiau. Roedd llawer of hwyl a sgyrsiau bywiog.
We were very happy to have the opportunity to be tourists for a day or two in Rovaniemi. We went to Korundi - a museum and a gallery - and we enjoyed the exhibitions of paintings and sculptures - endless forms. In the evening we went out for a meal with friends. There was a lot of fun and lively conversations.
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