
Dark and sharp for Tiny Tuesday...
Do you recognize, what it is? It's black pepper :-)

Last week P. crashed my paper mill, but didn't mentioned it. So I tried to used it, with the result, that I emptied a whole glass of pepper into the meal. It was what work to get this removed again :-/
Yesterday I remembered to buy a new pepper mill. And guess what?
When I used it the first time, it unscrewed aaaand I emptied a half glass of pepper in the meal. You can imagine that my reaction is not suitable to quote :-))
No wonder that I get pepper in my mind for Tiny Tuesdays theme "dark".

I had an appointment at the dentist to get some easy things repaired, he had found at the last view. Normally I don't use anesthetizations, but he suggested it for those locations where he will have "to go deaper". 
Hm, within no time I had two pricks in my lower jaw and a hard working dentist in my mouth ( his hands and tools ). My mouth morphed into a beak like the one Donald Duck has and I think I also sounded like him...
I needed 3 hours to get my face back and since then one tooth is quite upset. I know hope it is back to normal tomorrow. I think for some weeks I don't like dentists :-))
So I fail again with commenting and worse with hosting TiPS.
I'll start commenting tomorrow morning and hope I get the results ready in the evening.
Before I collapse into my bed I want to thank you for your lovely comments, hearts and stars for my last blips. You are so generous and I really appreciate every single one :-)))
And finally the reminder:
This week from Monday, 29th January until Sunday 4th February the tag for Tiny People Sunday is TiPS4. All sorts of tinies are welcome. Have fun! :-))

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