The Acrobat
Snow overnight....severe windchill this morning...the woods were hopping!! The birds were aplenty after work but this little Downy won my heart (and blip) for his crazy antics! He was nearly shouting, "Look at me! Look at me!" as he attempted to coax some shelled peanuts out of me. I took about 30 frames of him alone as he went on the tree beside me, on the ground looking up, on a branch looking down, but this manoeuvre was the best as snow was flying and he was trying to gain better footing. Silly little guy...and oh how bright that little splash of red is! (And yes, he received an award for effort....a handful of seeds which included shelled peanuts). He even landed on my camera twice...
The moon taunted me later as I had to take my daughter out and forgot to take my camera. The moonrise was sensational! The sky had gone a lovely mauve and the moon was reflecting the sunset. Stunning. Oh well...shall be crossing fingers for having a nearly clear sky tomorrow morning before dawn to capture the Blood Moon. I am scared I may jinx myself...
Have a good one....Happy Hump Day tomorrow!
D x
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