Checking the List

He's making a list...checking it twice...gonna find out...

Our morning started with wind and rain. On top of not wanting to go outdoors...WE"VE GOT A BALL GAME TO PLAY TODAY! Our Detroit Tigers are trying to sweep the New York Yankees. Get out da brooms!

As I was eating my breakfast...I was thinking about my Blip options. There were 3. Slim and none....followed closely by limited.

But...but...but...Here comes Peter Cottontail Barney Bushytail...hopping down the squirrely trail. Alas...Barney approaches.

Barney tolerates long as the goods keep on coming out the door. Like the little guy on Family Guy...he likes Wheat Thins. (A funny commercial). Wheat Thins with peanut butter between them. Yummy. I also give him unsalted peanuts.

While patiently waiting on the branch...Barney gave me several poses. I put them on my Flickr page. The first one...titled especially creepy.

The picture I used looks like Barney is checking off his "spots." In my personal opinion...Squirrels don't do house numbers like old mailmen do. So...he's checking off. 1. Old guy with crackers and peanut butter...check. 2. Yellow house with black walnuts...check. 3. Brick house with squirrel-proof feeder...been there-done that. 4. White house with LARGE BLACK CAT...only if i get REALLY hungry.

As Andy Griffith might have said..."Thanks to old Barney for coming through...I just didn't know what I was going to do."

My picture and story from a year ago was one of my favorites. Click on the thumbnail to the right.>>>>>>>

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