Fanny Shortage

My Dear Fellows and Dear Princess,

I had such a lovely chat with you last night, Princess. I love our fortnightly call. It always makes me feel like you are not so far away. Also, we inevitably end up talking about RUDE things. 

To be fair, I was the one who brought up the subject of glass-topped tables. I've forgotten how the conversation got there. But I certainly can't forget that it did.

Today in town was theoretically hotter than yesterday, but fortunately the Wellington Wind kicked in and actually it has been very pleasant out and about. I decided I would take the opportunity to walk to The Warehouse* to pick up some more fans. 

This is because I heard that the weather is going to get HOTTER later this week. I was thinking another desk fan would be just what we need to get things comfortable in here. Unfortunately, the rest of Wellington also had the same idea. There are no fans to be had ANYWHERE in Wellington! 

I went to Noel Leeming, Harvey Norman and Bunnings Warehouse and all the store assistants just LAUGHED at me. 

I don't mind too much. I can order one online I guess. And anyway, we have discovered a new way to beat the heat. You can CONVERT your fan into an air conditioning unit by placing a big block of ice in front of it! I read it on the internet - the fan blows the icy water droplets at you and cools you down.

You can see above my attempt to do this last night. Brace yourself, this is as close as I get to actual DIY. 

But it totally worked! Me and Er Indoors were loving it. Then the ice melted all over my Mary Tyler Moore dvds. But up until then it was PERFECT. And I'm sure Mary won't mind.


* The Warehouse is kind of like a non-catalogue version of Argos. They sell everything really cheap and it is very popular. 

Kiwis call it the "Wurry-Furry". This is because if you pronounce "ware" as if it were a Maori word, it would sound like "wah-rey". And the Maori word for "house" is "whare" which is pronounced "fah-rey". Hence, "Wurry-furry".

I really like that.

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