
At Kelvingrove Art Gallery in Glasgow this morning for the Silent Launch of the Firestarter events for 2018. The First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon MSP set the event off. The aim is to establish links across the public, private and third sectors to explore innovative ideas which might benefit communities. Start a spark and then a fire to effect positive change. This is the 3rd year of the event.

At Kelvingrove the display of heads is a must and forms today’s blips. But 2 extras.

The first shows the silent launch in action. A bit like a silent disco we were given headphones and could listen to the speakers/ podcasts as we wandered round the gallery. The speakers were located in different parts of the building. This shows one of the audience listening to the speaker on the far side at the upper gallery.

It allowed time to reflect and listen; to pause to take notes as necessary; to appreciate the public space in the building; and, if you wished, to stop and speak to people. The public space was being used by the public simultaneously. It all worked well and we came together at the end of the morning to share thoughts and experiences.

The second extra is of a popular artwork called Motherless by George Lawson (about 1889). The low sunlight and dark background gave added effect.

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