The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Normal Kind Of Day

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Another year of wisdom. I am like a wise owl. Oi, stop that. I am.

I had a lovely day. The Prince and Mini Princesses excitedly gave me their presents this morning. I now have a fitness tracker so I will be able to see how well I am progressing as an elite athlete!

I opened the rest of my parcels and felt very spoilt. I love my ‘sister spoon’ from you Jennie. It was such an amazingly thoughtful gift. I didn’t think it was possible to feel so touched* by a piece of cutlery!

In the afternoon, we headed to the beach for a very long walk with Murphy. It was a very dreich day. Perfect for the beach. Murphy leapt about doing his usual gazelle impression and ate a worrying amount of seaweed! We warmed up with tea and birthday cake (complete with song) when we came home.

The Prince and I went out to get takeaway for dinner and popped into our local for a couple of drinks. Like a proper date!

After eating, the excitement of the day obviously got to me and I fell asleep at 9 pm proper old lady style!

It was a day with my favourite people.


*not actually touched. Let’s be clear about that.

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