Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Study Day

Thanks for all your comments, good wishes and stars yesterday!

I had a fabulous evening out at the CK Gospel Choir Concert, only slightly spoilt by sound and feedback problems that they had in the first half (nightmare)! For those of you that are interested, I've found their website with page of songshere

I did attempt some pictures but it was really difficult as they were moving around a lot on the stage!

Anyway for today. I am still on holiday :) but today I'm attempting to dig deep into the Old Testament Law that I struggled with on the Footsteps Study Day on Saturday. It was rather full on then!!

I'm also making some soup with home grown pumpkins and marrow that I collected from someone yesterday, for the homeless kitchen here. I've taken some shots of them and put them on my flickr

I also did a bigger picture, but prefer this one which is simpler :) My small Bible happens to be pink, but I'll be using the larger Life Application Bible for the study.

The scarf is one of several that a group of ladies knitted in our church a few years ago to raise funds for Overseas Mission! That will be round my neck indoors today because its quite chilly!

The other thing I will be doing today (or maybe tomorrow) is preparing a bible study on Thessalonians Chapter 1, Encouragement :) from a book by Max Lucado :) My small group leader left the book in the pigeonhole at church yesterday, and had the small heart as a page marker :)

So another busy, happy, home day :)

Hopefully I can get this one to post~ my 6th 7th attempt today, what's happening to Blip?? Ooh Just found out on Facebook...if you want to know check this out Technical Problems.

Blip Apology in case you didn't receive it :)

Have a great day blippers :)

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