
Left my blip a bit late this evening so a blip of the Moon on one of the few clear nights we have had this winter.

Some good orders in today which should help us get a bit more on top of the Prims in flower.We have had mice eating the flowers off the Polyanthus so this evening we fed the cats in with the Prims and we will let them out just before we go to bed.Hopefully this form of environmental control will do the trick.

A day of applying various plant extracts and soaps which we are using in place of chemicals.I also need to read through the literature I picked up in Germany particularly on new fans.

Called in to see Mervin and thanked him for repairing my water pipe that was damaged while we were away.

Helen has started the week five sowing and Becky called in to see us on her way back from getting her blood test results.While out for a meal at the weekend she had a bad allergic reaction which she thinks was to celery but not sure so she has booked into the doctors for a scratch test.

A very wet morning but a nice bright afternoon.

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