Birthday Bloom

At lunch time, I was asked to cover reception for a short while so my colleague could have her appraisal, and whilst sat on reception I received a call on my mobile, but of course I couldn't answer it.  They left a message which I listened to, and it was Interflora telling me that they were about to deliver some flowers.  Luckily my cleaner was there, and I texted her to ask her to take them in, which she'd already done, and I've spent the afternoon being intrigued as to who they could be from. 

I couldn't wait to get home and when I did this beautiful bouquet was on my dining table.  I opened the card to find they were from Charlotte and Chris - thank you so much, they're gorgeous!

I also received flowers from work today, so my house smells wonderful and I certainly won't be short for a blip for a few days now!

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