Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Making Waves

Oh YES. Thank you all for the wonderful advise on my little predicament. I have discovered the perfect alibi in Peekabob and on reflection the teethmarks look just like a small human so that's just got to be the answer. Thank you all and especially Bob himself for making a comment on my journal and coming to my notice. YEA!!! Oh what a relief. Bob is too young to be responsible for anything so this has opened a lot of doors for me.

Well It was wet today. D F and Orrible so we shot off very early while there was some light to the Southeast and The Boss thought something may come of it. It was far to uggy looking to go staggering up mountains and by DIG coffee time it was raining steadily so it was pleasing when something did come of it.

The Bossess has told (asked) The Boss to take The Red Bag into a shoe repairer who did a great job on her boots and all seems well except there seem a lot of doors that are closed today and I am getting that "watched" feeling a bit.. Hmmmmm

I loved the flow on today's image as the Earth and Sky just seem to be flowing together.
Well that was my perspective from my seat in Suzz while The Boss was trying to stand on the roof for a higher shot.

Get closer to the waves

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