Breathe In And Out...

By ScotNatureBoy

That end-of-season feeling...

Oh no, I'm backblipping for as long ago as Sunday and this is Wednesday. Unsatisfactory! Sunday morning was cool but dry and I took this photo with a slight feeling of the good times coming to an end. I've had no trouble finding invertebrate topics, especially insects and most particularly hoverflies all summer, as regular viewers of this photo blog will be aware. But it is becoming harder and harder to find suitable mini beast topics as we slide into winter (see my next few days of blips for evidence!). This sunfly, the hoverfly Helophilus pendulus, is a species that has provided me with some of my favourite blips this summer but this individual was nearly static, sitting on a ragwort flower head gone to seed at last and providing it with no feeding opportunity. All the adult sunflies will be dead soon, with next year's adults currently over-wintering as rat-tailed maggots in stagnant pools. What will I find to keep me interested and my blips hopefully interesting over the winter?

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