Happy Accident

After swimming at Tahunanui Beach I was sitting on the deck with a cup of tea and noticed two butterflies had hatched inside their castle.  I unzipped the door and one flew out but the other hung to the roof for a bit longer.  I managed to poke my camera inside for the extra shot.  The main shot is a happy accident because when the butterfly did fly free it landed briefly on the white  table giving a high key effect. 
Not so happy is when the first butterfly flew I said 'goodbye Ken.'  On Dbifulco's journal I learnt about releasing the butterflies in memory of someone.  Ken died last night after a full life of nearly 91 years.  He is the father of a friend.  He lived the last years of his life in Christchurch so it was easy for us to catch up with him when we visited  our daughter.  The last months he was in care and it didn't suit him so it is a release to my way of thinking.  Still a time to reflect on his life and think about my own.    

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