The Princess And The Dog

At break of dawn, on a Summer's morn,
They head out into the sun
They climb until, on Blackford Hill, 
It's time for doggy fun

The Princess calls, throws slaver-balls
Buys herself a cup of tea
Murphy jumps and skids, he mugs some kids,
(They had sandwiches you see)

While having larfs and finding paths
And chasing an old Tabby
The spot a man with a breakfast naan
On his way to Abu Dhabi

They both gave chase, and keeping pace
They tracked the fellow down
He was outpaced, and in his haste
He slipped on something brown

Murphy went and stole the poor man's roll,
And scoffed it in a minute
He felt no blame, no sign of shame
For there was some sausage in it

The Princess ran from the angry man
And Murphy followed after
He jumped and pranced, while the Princess danced
There was woofing and some laughter

No time to roam, it's time for home
One last pee on a log*
Our tale of friends comes to an end
The Princess and the dog

* I'm not saying by whom.

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