
By stuartjross

Beech Trees

Another day working close to home on the slopes above Spean.

I know a lot of folk feel their hands cold on chilly mornings. For whatever reason I seem to be able to retain feeling in ungloved hands for longer than others. (I explain to M it is because of all the warmth in my heart). Despite this brag my hands were freezing at the instrument today so perhaps I need a few days like this to get used to it again.
The morning frost lifted and a swirling breeze brought clouds over the Grey Corries and dumped a light dusting of additional snow. Here in the valley it warmed up slightly but got damp and very overcast.

From a survey point of view I curse trees and forest because it obstructs line of sight by laser across ground or to the sky for GPS.

If I separate myself from work a moment and stand back, this mature beech woodland is beautiful. Some of these plants will be hundreds of years old I'm sure, but it is sad that there is evidence of brutal storm damage and the large fallen limbs put you in mind of clan battlefield casualties.

The last clan battle took place near Roy Bridge.

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