aging hippy

By aginghippy

What's he up to now ???

Hello blippers,
Clarence and friends here.
We've been locked up for about a year now and all of a sudden, he who has the camera, decides to spring clean the studio. I ask you, it's October, and he decides to Spring clean today.
Now he gets us out of the drawer, chucks us on the table with this new Spyder cube, doesn't even bother to set the lighting, let alone tell us what he's planning. Never mentioned anything about our salaries and expects us to perform.
Well he's another think coming.
If he expects any more photography with us then we want a contract in writing, and with our lawyers present.
Yes we know all about our rights, because we read the Daily Torygraph, The Beano and the Red Tops......
Bye for now,
Your good friend Clarence.

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