Life on the edge...

By bru22

Day 65 - Pancake day (for us)

Today we stayed put in Kiel where we got through 5 songs of our promotions busking session before the rain hit which was pretty frustrating as we actually had licence to busk! We had a bit of free time to wander around Kiel so I went down to the harbour and watched the ships for a little while before heading to Woolworths!! Yes, they still exist here!

Tonight we wandered down to the music store before our shop for tea when Mr T (Tibor, the bassist) got hold of ingredients for pancakes! He is the god of pancakes! They were amazing!

I am one happy hedgehog having my little bear back in a wifi zone today. :) I felt lost without as much contact with her over the last few days. Strange... She's got the key to my heart, where she found it I will never know... I had it hidden in the deep...

Mix a pancake,
Stir a pancake,
Pop it in the pan;
Fry the pancake;
Toss the pancake,
Catch it if you can.

Christina G. Rossetti

43 days of tour left...

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