and through the wire...

By hesscat

The Cat in the Window

The Grassmarket area of Edinburgh is fast becoming my goto blip choice when travelling home without-blip and I've hardly started there!

This cat in the window was not coming home with us, but another may be heading our way on Sunday to join Molly, if she'll cope. From having 4 cats at one stage and losing Molly's brother Tom 2 and half years ago, I've been pining for another for a long time. We've been wary of introducing anyone else into the house due to her nature but I think we are going to give it a go... we expect it will take some effort!

Although having been brought up with dogs (ahruff), we've been a cat family for 25 years and I'd never considered dogs, a puppy tv show (doh) got me thinking earlier this week... so that thought is on hold for a while :-)

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