Would You Like Milk With That?

It's McDonald's tea day again!
Miss L was snoring away in the back seat so I drove through, got my tea and then had a very peaceful, relaxing hour in the car.
And getting some funny looks as I took photos of the empty milk container on the dashboard!
All day long I think of things to say in my Blip and yet when I come to write it my mind's a blank!!
A few things from the last few days:
The Little Misses transfixed by Felix (as they call him) jumping out of a balloon. They burst into spontaneous applause when he landed. Amazing!!
Miss E having a quick browse through YouTube before Mummy realised and thought it might not be the best idea. Thankfully she only clicked on cute baby pandas playing on a slide!!
We had a funnny conversation in the car. We were behind a complete moron who indicated right at every single roundabout and then went straight on. I finally snapped and shouted "Imbecile!" at the top of my voice.
"What's imbecile?"
"It's another word for idiot"
"You shouldn't say "idiot"
"I didn't"
"You did. You just said "idiot"
"No, I said "imbecile is another word for idiot
"You said "idiot". You shouldn't use that word"
And on and on and on......
Mental note to self - try and keep the roadrage under control.
Yesterday I made enough vegetable curry to feed an army. I bought a Le Creuset-esque casserole dish on Groupon the other day and I accidently bought a cauldron. It's vast!!! I froze ten portions of curry this morning. And Mr K and I had it for dinner!!
Mrs C came over this morning with Baby C (who is very sweet but is tiring his Mummy out!) It was lovely to see her!
And it always a joy to watch R and Miss L squabble and fight over toys......

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