Burns day conundrum...
Coinciding as it did with one of my fasting days, y'see, I was crestfallen thinking that surely I’d have to do without the traditional scran. Until, that is, I stepped into our local specialist culinary outlet, Scotmid. Haggis, needs and tatties - 406 calories! And glass bottles of diet Irn-Bru, one pound each. With oatcakes coming in at 46 calories apiece, my 600 limit was intact.
So, up town we did step, there to meet with MrT to take in this Burns Unbroke exhibition at Summerhall. I’ve got to say, it’s quite tremendous. Far from being the old broke Summerhall, they’ve some top stuff, including the Fagen Slave’s Lament recently at the Portrait Gallery. And much of it for sale. This little cute little bronze ’old nick’ is one of five and would go not badly outside my shed, I reckon. After a coffee, much chatter with MrT, mainly about his upcoming 70th party and his efforts to book those legendary Deptford rockers, Rubber Johnny for a reunion gig. OK, it’s his brother’s band.
So, back for the traditional supper. Prepared by myself! I even remembered to put wee green leaves, like rocket and stuff, in separate bowls.
Ye Pow'rs wha mak mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill o’ fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware
That jaups in luggies;
But, if ye wish her gratefu’ prayer,
Gie her a Haggis!
Well, limited to four hundred calories, if at all possible, thanks.
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