Pacific Sun

I spent 7 1/2 hours in the boat fishing today and I only caught 1 fish. One is better than none I suppose.

This is my mate Brad watching the P&O Pacific Sun heading up the river and out of port. The last time I saw her was this time last year. Last I hear P&O weren't coming to Brisbane anymore because our port facilities are woeful. SO much for that though. Brad was keen to try out his new boat rod this afternoon so I took him fishing on the Brisbane river. It was rough and windy, the photo just doesn't do it justice. I had also just cleaned the boat form an earlier trip across the bay which was also rough and windy. Actually it was rougher and windier.

I got up at 2.20am before my alarm went off at 3, hitched up the boat and headed out accross the bay. My intention was to fish for mackerel near Moreton Island, an hours cruising from Manly. It was dead calm for the first part of my trip bit as I headed out across the open part of the bay it got windy. I persevered, It is really hard to judge swells in the dark (boats don't have headlights) but I was banking on the wind calming down as dawn approached. It wasn't to be. I made it across the bay, no problems there, just a little discomfort from the boat bouncing over waves. When I resigned myself to the fact that the wind was there to stay I headed for home. I used my new GPS to backtrack my trail which made the journey a bit of fun.

Of course as soon as I got home the wind died.

We went to visit Dad in the home. Andy came along with us. Dad had managed to scald himself on a tamper proof hot water tap. The carers were quite upset. I felt like saying: Welcome to looking after my father-in-law! Oh yes and he also managed to send his wallet through the laundry. He won't be needing it anymore anyway.

Then I spent the rest of the afternoon fishing the Brisbane river with Brad ( the wind came back).

We went out to dinner tonight with our friends Brad (again), Kathie and their daughter Oliver. I chose the restaurant tonght and we went to the Norman Hotel. Their claim to fame is being Brisbanes worst vegetarian restaurant. They do serve the best steak though. I chose an eye fillet, blue with no sauce. Yum!

So a busy day ends with this blip. It is still steamy, humid and hot here. 34 today. My glasses steamed up when I got out of the car this evening.

I am tired.

I might go fishing tomorrow.

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