Flower Friday . . . Dahlia

This darling dahlia with the coloured centre was given to me by my brother in law as I left Christchurch.  It survived yesterdays trip in the hot car.  A quick trip into the garage for a plain background and a bit of ribbon around the vase and low exposure to make it look magical.   I'll always be amazed by the patterns of nature.
Way too hot to do much too day.  I went across to Ann and got my caterpillar castle.  Three butterflies hatched while I was away.  There are four chrysalis waiting and maybe three little caterpillars.  Ann said the butterflies are still visiting her garden.  The washing has been done.  The garden has survived because there was a lot of rain the first week we were away.  A lot of dead heading needs to be done but that can wait until the evening.  I had my first home grown tomatoe in a sandwich today.  Always a sign of summer I feel.
Thank you for hanging in with me as I catch up and get back to commenting.  Happy weekend.   

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