the blink of an eye

By weedave

drookit dugs

well woke up fairly early...ok maybe not that early...ok so it was after 8...took dogs to the Coop to get milk etc for breakfast...luckily it was just overcast... came back got everyone up and made toast...yummy

went to StAndrews to get gogo juice ( petrol not coffee !!!).. back to crail for lunch at Julia's ( cheaper of the eating establishments, has nice art and photo's to look over....not the "arm and a leg" cafe next to the harbour)...was here I came across some black and white stormy weather pics of Crail and thought "I can do better then that !!"..ok start laughing !!!

got back looked out camera , waterproofs , phone complete with earphones ( well you must have sounds some point I may divulge my play lists when and only when the world is about to expplode and I fear nothing else will bring a smile to your faces !!).

I decided ..well ok my wife decided I had to take dogs out first before going Blip dogs duly had their jackets on...( yes..i can see the raised eyebrows!). and off I ventured .......well to say it was wet was an was ( thinks of subscibers and decides to be polite ) chucking it down!!!
by the time I got back with dogs . we were all drookit

so off i set with camera, paper towel, tea towel, tripods and a steel ressolve to get a half decent pic.....well i tried an tried and tried.... I will not tell you the exact number but it is amazing with a camera on "sport mode " how many crappy pics you can take ,,,LOL

back i came !!!!... luckily my waterproofs are quite good so was really only mildly damp....have spent the last 2 hours binning the rubbish and this is one of the 8 I like the always enjoy !!!!

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