Morning reading

Tinker one decided getting up at 5am was fine. I was not impressed. Apparently her hatchimal woke up her and wanted to play

School drop off done
Concluded there are two types of drivers at school drop off time- those that see people walking and acknowledge them and those that are quite happy to watch you get soaked in the rain as you wait to cross

He was ace
5 meters sorted on his back
He can do about 2/3 meters on his front

Dentist followed
One cracked filling that needs sorting
One trip to hygienist to follow too
Deep joy

Quick trip round the park then home for yummy lunch of bread rolls / olives / cheese and ham

Lovely play date with Woms little friend - they made a massive picnic for all the cuddles - was so lovely to watch. So much so that C went to get Munchie and her daughter and left C with wom. Impromptu play date followed.

Rainbows done
Ocado was late
Coffee club with wom

This morning Munchie and wom off all the cuddles down stairs, sat them down and then munchie read to them!

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