A Blip on the Reidar

By reidar

Home again, home again...

The weather was fantastic today and every time I was outdoors racing from home to the hospital or to Reidar Jnr's Aunties house to visit him I kept seeing wonderful photographs everywhere. Great blue skies and wonderful sharp shadows cast by the sun. I didn't have time mind you to stop and play at picture taking.

Even if I had photographed the most amazing outdoor, glorious weather shot I still would have posted a picture of Reidar Jnr2. Everyone is back home now, escaped from the hospital about 5pm. Reidar Jnr only met Jnr2 for about an hour tonight and apart from later smiles and pointing he was mostly content to see his own toys again. Unfortunately he has taken to throwing those toys about though so that's not good is it.

Glad we are all home together though. Off to bed soon to jump out my skin every twenty minutes as Jnr2 screams his lungs out :)

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