Crime scene

So, Last night Mrs Smith dreamed that Smithski and J9 had given their front room over to the NHS to help with the shortage of beds and they had five people sleeping in there. Smithski had drawn comedy cocks on the wall by way of decorative art. What can it all mean??

As if the morning couldn’t get more odd, I got in the car to drive Ruby to work and pulled on the beanie hat on the car seat, forgetting that I’d used it yesterday to mop up the coffee I’d spilled all over myself. So now I had a damp head and a distinct aroma of Flat White.

We got to the cafe early so I left the engine running to keep us warm. Ruby then waited for Gail to turn up with the key and open up. She told me to wait five minutes until the coffee machine had warmed up so I passed the time checking emails - until there was a loud bang off the roof of the car. I thought it had been a slate blown off one of the houses. When I jumped out to check the damage I saw it was a teacup. Quite a nice teacup. Lobbed from a bedroom window, presumably in protest about my engine running. Apart from picking up the pieces and leaving them on the doorstep I wasn’t sure how best to proceed. When I went to the cafe, apart from everyone finding it hilarious, I was reassured I’d done the right thing not banging on the door or shouting up at the bedroom because that would have opened up a whole bag of oddness.

Got a blip out of it anyhow.

After that I drove into Embra for two golf related meetings. Then two potential new clients put their heads above the parapet. One financial and one beverage. Could be interesting.

Home to pick up Ruby then drive her and Eve to the Odeon to watch The Greatest Showman. I sat in Caffè Nero next door catching up on emails and finishing some work stuff off.

Drove home listening to the soundtrack from the film which they both loved.

Strange old day.

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