Half Moon
We attended another funeral today, the last of my wife's father's family. She died on the 4th January at nearly 89 years of age. Only 13 people attended the funeral, which was sad, but recognition that she had outlived many of her relatives and had no children of her own. I always think twice about taking photos of a funeral, but on this occasion an opportunity didn't arise as my wife had to get back to work and I was driving.
We typically only saw Auntie Sylv at Christmas and even then not in recent years as her health deteriorated. I have fond memories of her turning up on Christmas day, wearing more layers of clothing than might seem healthy. She always enjoyed her meal, piling the food on her plate. It made me wonder whether she was making up for not eating much the rest of the year!
I got to 7 pm without having taken a photograph, so took the opportunity for some experimentation, combining the use of my 200-500mm lens with a 1.7x converter on firstly the Nikon D850 and then with the Olympus EM-1 Mk II (using a Metabones adapter). In the end the resolution was better on the higher resolution camera, despite the magnification factor of the m4/3 body, although both worked well on getting a clear, focused image. I had hoped I could use the high resolution mode but it softened the image too much. I'm assuming even the small amount of moon movement had an impact on acuity.
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