Another indoor Blip.........................

…..............Another day when I've had both of my walks in the rain and the dark. Another day when I haven't really wanted to go on my walks. Another day when I was in 'snail mode'! Another day when Ann has been a bit worried about me. Another day when I haven't wanted to eat my dinner.

The thing is..................... at the weekend, when I went up Blackford Hill (and was off my lead) I was zooming around like a little puppy and was all happy and bouncy. For the last three days Ann has been at work (& it's been raining for most of the time) so I've only had 'on my lead' walks and 'on my lead' walks are not really very exciting. They're not very exciting for Ann either?!

Anyway this is a Blip of me eating my dinner. I ignored it for an hour and a half and then Ann put some human cottage pie in with it so obviously I then gobbled it all up in super quick time.

…..........And tomorrow Ann isn't working so she's promised to take me for some 'run about time' whatever the weather. Yay!!!

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