Powerful reading
This is the book I have been reading for my British contemporary authors class I'm taking this quarter. Its an extremely powerful book about love and war, the war in question being the First World War. His descriptions of the trench warfare, building the tunnels, the conditions they lived in and the horror they endured are incredibly moving and haunting. The class was held in Joseph-Beth Booksellers, which I found a strange choice. As the area reserved for these events is in the main part of the store, near the Childrens area, you had people walking by and the noise of children the whole time which I found distracting, and as several people who spoke didn't have very strong voices, it was sometimes difficult to hear.
After the class I went up to Oxford to take some things up for Laura that she had forgotten, and also to exchange a Miami sweatshirt that she had bought me, but wasnt a very good fit. We had an enjoyable leisurely lunch together then I headed home. This evening, Roger and I were out at the Symphony - Beethoven Piano Concerto No 4, played by Radu Lupu and Bruckner Symphony No 2. You'd think a big name like Radu Lupu would draw people out, but as usual the number in the audience was very disappointing. I think its such a shame people dont turn out for live classical concerts any more (around here at any rate) - whilst I also enjoy listening to music in the comfort of my own home, I get so much more from hearing and seeing a performance live.
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