Dear Heart

By dearheart

Bubbles and Squeaks (in my tummy)

In the mornings the sun stretches it's skinny fingers in through the blinds and pokes at my eyelids until I'm up. This morning I beat the sunlight to it, and watched the seagulls surf the rooftops until it was time for me to get dressed.
I got to experience the fullness, the harvest-apple-roundness of walking home from lectures in a dress the same colour as autumn trees, the sun tangled in my hair, with a chocolate Santa and a bottle of Bucks Fizz in my bag and my arms full of flowers to decorate my house with. I love, love living here.
Lauren lay on my floor with me and we raided my bookshelves for treasures, and the whole time I was talking I was also thinking about how beautiful she is, how much I wanted to photograph her but didn't have the courage to ask; about how much I love her and Sian and Glenda the Broccoli and living in our little three-bedroom house. I never want to leave.
Lauren and I have inherited Sian's cold and so, all of us being far too poorly to cook, we clambered into Lauren's car and drove to McDonald's. We sang Disney loudly (read: badly) all the way there and back again, although my own singing was interrupted because I was constantly spooning ice cream into my mouth.

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