And then there was...
a. light
b. a rubbish wonky photo
c. leave me alone I've had a busy day
d. but come on, I fixed a light
e. all of the above.
Also booked the car in a for a (only slightly overdue) MoT type thing (fingers crossed). Nearly bought a rabbit (or six - so cute) and an octadon (only one - all alone and so cute and busy).
Am starting to get to the bottom of what the new data protection and e-privacy legislation wants everyone to do. But not quite. Did get to very much the bottom of some weeding though, which was much better for my brain than the GDPR. Am up to the start of Edward I in the History of England podcasts, and am up to date with the Archers.
And we now have a table lamp! We bought this in Morocco about a million years ago (ok, 15 years ago) during an overbuying, BA luggage policy testing trip (there was also a table and several boxes) there when TallGirl was TinyGirl. It has never worked before, despite the ministrations of my Dad, so it was a joyous moment when I managed (while the pizzas were in the oven) to strip out all the wiring and connect the new cable.
Just need to remember where I put the lampshade now, it's a bit bright for real life use....
(It was sunny today. I had lunch outside, even if it was only toast and an orange. Am feeling a bit giddy with the excitement of it all.)
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