A place in time

By Verbosa

Happy Birthday Tony!

This adorable little chap is my cousin Tony at the age of 2yrs 11mths.  It's his birthday today and I sent him this pic via Facebook...thankfully, he liked it!  After all, a picture like this might prove embarrassing to a successful, 50-something Principal!  This is him now:  https://www.bcot.ac.uk/about-bcot/governance/governors-list/anthony-bravo/

Second snap is one of him and me together in what I would guess to be 1965 or 1966, as I appear to be proudly modelling my infant school uniform.  Little did I know then that I would hate being at school!  School only improved for me as I got older...with me disliking school marginally less as I worked my way through education.  The horrors of school PE lessons were the stuff of nightmares for me!

Thought for the day:

"Don't allow someone to make you feel like you're not good enough."  (Daily Quotes Today)

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