The village library

Several years ago Argyll and Bute Council closed the local libraries resulting in a great furores. Some time later a number of ‘can do’ locals from Dervaig (and other villages) set up their own libraries, this one taking over a room in the village hall.

A and B council library send over a number of books occasionally and we all can take along books and DVD’s no longer needed for others to share. An exchange system.

This is run on a voluntary basis opening once a fortnight, the primary school use it from 10.00 - 11.00 and the rest of the community from 11.00 -12.00. For a small charge there’s homebaking and drinks out on the lobby. I arrived before 11.00 to that wonderful sound of children chatting and spotted a visiting reader totally engrossed in her story. As were her listeners.

I think at last I’m beginning to understand those words ‘Power to the People’.

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