
Although I am not quite an original of 1884, nevertheless it is a very long time indeed since I had a coat requiring a name tape as identification, and also a corresponding amount of time since I have worn one. Such has the frame shrunk than I can now buy some clothes free of VAT. It seems I have the same dimensions as a 12 year old, which figures, since that seemed to be the age at which I stopped growing upwards

The coats of my schooldays with the Cash’s name tapes were serviceable navy blue Burberry style school raincoats with tartan linings and very iconic smells which I am still able to conjure up.
This one in contrast is in an unserviceable white polyurethane which His Lordship uncharitably said looked like a lab coat (which reminds me, a name tape was probably attached to one of those too.)

Nowadays 12/13 year olds would rather be seen dead than wearing any thing remotely weather appropriate. In these airts, we see school children wearing expensive flannel blazers in pouring rain and others in shirt sleeves when it is -2° outside. Very occasionally an anorak appears on the younger children still able to be influenced by parental sense.

I will refrain from writing my name in the space provided on this label- I have a little dignity left.

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