Which next?

The fun of knitting twiddlemuffs is that all the 'rules' of colour matching and contrasting are disregarded.  They have to be bright and bold and textured but it still poses the question, which wool to use next?  I should maybe close my eyes and stick my hand in my woolbag and just use the one I pull out.

We were planning a trip to the Piece Hall this morning but Tony is under the weather again which seems to be the case with this winter cold, so we did the supermarket shop and then put the heating back on at home.  It being Camera Club evening I couldn't join the Harden Hobblers on the evening run so I did a circuit of Bingley St Ives to keep up the exercise. 

It was round 3 of the Club competition tonight, this month's theme being 'Nighttime'.  With 68 photos submitted it was a long evening of marking and critiquing, all interesting stuff, and I learned much from the comments on mine and others' photographs.

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