For the kids

We danced this morning; we had three sets, which we thought quite good as the pavements in particular were treacherous because of the thaw which is ongoing...... lots of slippy ice as it melts.  Had a great morning though with lots of music celebrating Robert Burns, as we are so near to Burns Night.

Had to go down to the centre in the afternoon to renew my prescription, so spent a 'happy' hour at the shops.

And we had enough left from our slow cooker dinner of last evening to have a repeat performance tonight, with the addition of some cabbage, the HG loves cabbage.  

The thaw continues, getting quite wet although the snow is hanging around.  I think by tomorrow it will be gone though.

While in the town centre I passed the line up of little cars for kids.  Kids are so lucky nowadays, in my day we had to walk!!!!

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