I feel it in my toes...
I had a man look at my wonky fingers this week - they haven't got worse, they are still just wonky. The cold affects them, and until this week I had lost my leather gloves (thanks Mum), and the leather gloves are just the thing for keeping my fingers warm.
But we found them, while we were looking for something else.... didn't find the something else..So now they are nice and warm when I got out and don't get chilled. I have to exercise them too though, - keep them wiggling, so I've to get those stress balls, and squish them. So I shall.
We did allotment yesterday, pre-pub visit. We had a good two hours digging and weeding and removing stones. It's looking really lovely, and now that my bulbs are all coming up - Im getting a bit excited to plant all the new seeds for this year. We've probably got too many, but hey - you've got to start somewhere.
Very lazy day today - we were worn out from beer fest yesterday (not an official one, just our own.) So we scarmbled out of bed, did the shopping and then settled in front of the tv.
I've managed two snoozes, and now Amma ready for my bed :-)
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