A place in time

By Verbosa

Day Seven - Emergency measures!

A somewhat naff day...woke to sleet, which turned to snow, then back to drizzle again.  And cold.  It was very cold.

So, my best intentions turned to nowt today as I spent part of the morning watching How It's Made.  Fascinating stuff.

Then a short trip into town for a wander in the damp and a quick visit into TK Maxx, while the boys were attempting a bit of soggy street photography.

In the evening I introduced  The Boy to our latest health acquisition - a neck stretcher hammock.  The aim being to help Mr A and me with our dodgy necks...we were both in a nasty car crash in '82 and suffered severe whiplash.  Over the years I have made many visits to osteopaths and chiropractors, who have kept me mobile.  This neck stretcher seems a simple contraption to help ease things when I get myself into a pickle...like I did with that blessed shoulder stand at yoga just over a week ago.  Silly so-and-so... I'm old enough to know better!  

Anyway, this pic is my version of the car sign bought for me by The Boy , which hangs in the alcove by my dressing table.  (See also 3rd Jan.)

Thought for the day:

"No matter how good or bad you think life is, wake up each day and be thankful for life.  Someone somewhere else is fighting to survive."  (www.positiveoutlooksblog.com)

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