Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Spring inside

When I woke up it was snowing but the snow was not settling - I opened the door to let Murdoch out and it was so cold he just stepped back indoors again - I think he would rather sit with his legs crossed rather than go out in that cold weather with winter showers! We eventually convinced him to go for a short walk but it was not met with much enthusiasm on a day like today! While it was winter outside it looked like spring inside with my blooming hyacinths. 

My laryngitis is persisting, I still don't have my voice back and now I have got earache....I just hope I am much better by Thursday when I leave for Venice, there is nothing worse than going on a much anticipated trip and be ill.

I have stayed indoors all day today which was just perfect in this weather. Gavin cleaned my camera sensor for me in preparation for my photography trip - he has a much steadier hand than me and always does it for me, I gave up sending it away to get cleaned years ago when I realised it is not that difficult to do and not as potentially damaging as one is made to believe.

We have had lunch, I have done all the ironing, and I now think I might go relax on the sofa all snug and warm and watch some TV!

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