I think it is just possible that I have the canny ability to influence the weather. Just as water diviners have the capability of detecting underground water, so have I the capability of inducing precipitation from the sky at particular times, namely when I go out for a walk. It Is usually rain, but these days it is more likely to be snow.
Having had our pre dawn excursion to the land of Toast, His Lordship and I were happy to spend the rest of the morning holed up in our warm boiler functioning house to read and digest the Sunday Papers.
Despite the weather outside the windows being grey and cheerless it was less cold than of late so after lunch I decided to set off on a walk round the policies.
No sooner had I gone half a mile than the heavens opened to emit the first desultory snowflakes. They drifted earthwards with little intent at first, but soon with renewed zeal, these snowflakes rapidly became a blizzard turning me into a snowwoman as I ploughed on. There was no way I was cutting short my planned expedition and so I eventually arrived home an hour and a half later to strip off wet clothes and trainers.
Now as I sit in my dressing gown with my damp clothes draped over radiators, I look out at a world of whiteness with not one feathery snow flake falling. The precipitation only lasted as long as my walk.
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