
By wingpig

as good as a rest

Last-minute adjsutment to the Chosen Blip. I'll reshoot the original first choice tomorrow and this time remember to reset the ISO to 100 after attempting to handhold in twilight. I always feel I ought to post a daylight-based picture whenever I manage to get one that I'm happy with, especially after a winter of mostly night-based cobbleshots. These setts outside the blood doning centre on Lauriston Place were glistening nicely in the late afternoon sun as I made my way back to work after the wee boiler servicing man had been and this time successfully fixed the heat exchanger. We now have heating again (nice day for it) and warm water in which I shall have a celebratory bath after posting this.

Extra sunlight and an extra trip across town during daylght meant lots of chance for well-illuminated outdoorsy pictures. Bollocksed up an easy shot of another fly by means of stretched-out wobblehands. I was going to pick up one of the feathers I passed on Nicolson Street but instead concentrated on the deadpigeon outside Alldays. Didn't have much to do at work when I got there but it's nicer when one can sit at one's desk wearing shorts as all the jobsworths are away home and the occasional worthwhile moment of sunlight/office interaction gave me something to do whilst waiting for queries to run.

There's a giant pipe in the Grassmarket if anyone fancies one. No-one seemed to be guarding it despite the attachment of wheels for handy transport.

No takers yet for Bucky. We need your help.

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