A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Cheers from half of the Camp Theatre Club*

Vernee and I took these two to see Everybody’s Talking About Jamie. They are only 17 months apart in age but two school years and it turns out there is quite a lot you learn in those two years. We have accelerated Anna’s learning quite a lot this evening. About many things drag and what Year 11 is like. And all through the medium of truly fabulous singing, dancing and acting. If you are in need of a laugh out loud feel good outing then this is the show for you.

I know I promised you my present but we ran out of time to finish it. Tomorrow is dedicated to it. I did spend valuable time helping Anna to sort out all her clothes following a major growth spurt and 5 bags have now gone to the charity shop. Perhaps her room will stay all floory now...

Photo is the kids and mocktails at the splendid Thai Tho right opposite the theatre.

Lesley x

*it might be a one show club but suggestions for suitable outings welcomed. Sadly the kids are too young for the drag show I went to a few weeks ago.

EDIT: I have been reminded this is the Club’s second outing - first was 42nd Street. Equal glitz and glamour. More tap. Less swearing.

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