Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Dishing stations

We had a mixed bag today.  We enjoyed a really chilled morning, playing with the kids.  The wee man has been building, dismantling and rebuilding his Lego garbage truck.  And his sister has been enjoying playing shop with her new groceries and cash register.

Afterwards we went out to pick up my new Brompton bike and to have lunch.  The kids were fairly obnoxious during lunch - multiple trips to the bathroom, refusing to eat, shouting too loud, not sitting at the table etc.  It was a bit of a disaster.

I've been suffering with a bit of a cold these past couple of days.  Maybe they're about to come down with the same.

The little lady has been very creative recently.  Today's imaginative story was about the unlikely duo of a dog and a raindrop.  She also wrote a song about how all the animals were stuck together, and their bruises were gone in the morning.  I hope that doesn't reflect poorly on us!

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