Gingerbread WOMAN

It is only 100 years this year since women started to be recognised as equals in voting rights.

In 1918, a coalition government passed the Representation of the People Act 1918, enfranchising all men, as well as all women over the age of 30 who met minimum property qualifications. In 1928, the Conservative government passed the Representation of the People (Equal Franchise) Act giving the vote to all women over the age of 21 on equal terms with men.

However, there still seems to be inequality in the world of gingerbread people.

When I did an internet search on "gingerbread man" I found 33 500 000 hits.
When I searched for "gingerbread woman" I got 11 100 000 hits.
How skewed is that?

This photograph today tries to redress the balance between gingerbread men and women.

PS I use the word ginger to mean the spice, not the colour of hair.,

That is an entirely different discussion.

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