Under the window

wet, so wet, dull day
but berries shine brightly out
in the hedgerow below

Lazy get up, followed by starting on my Worship Leading for next Sunday, but at the moment it won't come together.  The children's talk is the hardest part for me, as I've only done one twice before and they were last year and previous...  So lots of reading and searching to see what I could do easily.

Exciting part of the day, seeing at least 10 birds of the 'tit' type on my feeders this morning - that's the most I've ever seen there :)  Such a pity I don't have a long enough lens to capture them.  One came on the hedge under the window, but I wasn't quick enough with the camera....I'm not sure which bird it was, but it was 'pinky grey' under the breast...not a robin - too small :)

Annoying part of the day - water spurting out under the sink from the 'waste pipe' entry for the washing machine, which isn't being installed until next Saturday and was left open by the plumber (as he advised me) on purpose....  luckily I was prepared, but its still annoying that when I empty the sink, water goes into the bowl below in the cupboard!

I woke this morning with pain in my back and joints due to the weather I think and still in some pain, so I'm posting this early and will come back later on.

In the extras - colour version and Billy who has made the right decision on such a wet day :)

Happy Saturday folks :)

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