
Yesterday I mentioned I didn't know why the Christmas trees were still in position and even lit, in the Ottobeuren Basilica. Somehow couldn't quite reconcile it with knowing people here are quite "strict" about following "rules".

Know I know why.

The Christmas tree, as a symbol in the Catholic church particularly in southern Germany, is not that old but is nowadays considered to show "light" of Jesus in form of the candles and "hope" through the green leaves, green being an ancient colour symbolising hope and evergreen a symbol of eternal life. Often also decorated with red baubles to show the apples of Adan & Eve fame.  There is more - wood symbol of the wood crucifix.

It is the Light which is key to the trees still on display. I mentioned 2nd February yesterday and this is indeed the date - The feast is known as Maria Lichtmess in Germany, Candlemas or more properly "Presentation of Jesus at the Temple" in English.

The 2nd February is also very special for me. Both my son and son-in-law were born on this day. Now I know where their wonderful "lighten-up" characters come from.

So this evenings photo taken after the dog walk was of the exterior of our village church with it's Christmas tree at the base of the tower. 

All the snow is gone again after the devastating storm "Friederike" had caused 8 deaths in Germany, lots of damage and large-scale shutting down of public transport. Close to us, a 23-ton snow plough was blown off the road!  The accident I witnessed yesterday seemingly didn't have grave consequences. I mistakenly called her Fredericke, I think - sorry!

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