Prince Henry's Cliff Walk

I am not too sure which Prince Henry this Blue Mountain's track is named after - some royal personage from the late nineteenth century I should think. It is an easy track to get to, it's relatively easy to walk and it does offer some iconic eucalypt style countryside to look at.

New Information: It turns out that the Prince Henry in question (Duke of Gloucester) was the third son of King George V and Queen Mary. Although sections of the walk had been used since the 1890s, the track as a whole was first officially named and promoted as a complete walking route in 1934, marking his highness's visit to the mountains..

I did finally finish a certain book I may have been reading (can't really let on which) and have penned a two page review for those who may be considering it. I can send a pdf file to anyone who may be interested and whose email address I can get a hold of. Just let me know.

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